La Verguensa

"The Shameful One"

Archive for the month “September, 2016”


Polar bear in a melting world. This sketch for a new watercolor has some ballpoint in it.


First marks on a large sheet. I guess I still have bears in my system.

Slip Sliding Away


Peace Love and Understanding

This painting is the first in series of large carnivores in industrial or civilized settings. At first it might seem abstract and even contrived. Actually it is just the way it is. Go out to Keensburg and see the Wild Animal Sancutrary. Really the paintings just tell the truth.

Un teathered

Some new things are emerging down at the Studio in Boulder Colorado. This painting is large. About 51/2 feet tall by 31/2 feet wide. It is multiple sheets of Watercolor paper mounted to canvas. It is sealed from moisture and finger prints and is uv protected. I think this presentation is a great culmination of experiments. Now my watercolors can be hung without glass, are touchable, and do not require a frame (though nothing prevents one from framing it), and can be any size I feel like. Really what more could I ask. I hope you can come to the studio during Open Studios and take a look in person.


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