La Verguensa

"The Shameful One"

The Shameful One

My name is Sam : “The Shameful One”

La Verguensa is an expression I picked up in Spain. It describes that last piece of delicious food left on a plate, which finally no one will touch. That last cookie, broken in half. One half eaten, the other left on the plate. Then broken again, eaten 1/4 lies on the plate. When will it stop. The final piece remaining- which no one will break again, nor eat. That is the shameful one. A little bit left of something left. These paintings are the crumbs.

Welcome to my blog.

The practice of art constitutes  the highest and most unique form of human expression. I like to think of my drawings and paintings as having a sense of humility and accessibility about them while being quite serious about their artistic purpose. They are watercolors, often with the inclusion of gesso, sumi ink and ball-point pen. I pay attention to details. These works are made from the highest quality pigments and paper available.  My Artist Statement gives more information on why I spend so much time painting. I hope you enjoy this blog.

6 thoughts on “The Shameful One

  1. These are awesome, sam! You are very talented…keep expressing yourself, roomie.

  2. Samuel on said:

    Thanks, I am so glad you checked out the site.

  3. Yes. Hi, thanks for stopping by my site. I’m half spanish so it’s true about that “la verguenza” it’s common in most spanish dining tables.:) But now I make it a point that if there is the last piece- I eat it (let’s not waste).:D It’s interesting to know that you are an architect and you have these haunting yet romantic visuals. The way that the texture dapple the image, it gives a soft approach to the mystery- my impression.:) Your works are great.

  4. Jan Burton on said:

    Sam’s art is stunning!

  5. Delyn Drake on said:

    Hi Sam! I was hiking with Jan B. today and she mentioned seeing some of your new works recently. After talking to her I just had to stop by your site here. I see that this is an older thread but that’s OK. I love your work! And I love the expression “la verguenza”. Hope to stop by your studio in person one of these days.

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